Santa Fe National Forest faces lawsuit for allowing trespass livestock into Valles Caldera National Preserve Lawsuit follows years of inaction by the Forest Service to prevent livestock from illegally entering…

Caldera Action Joins Legal Move Against Valles Caldera Management
As you may have seen in the extensive news coverage over the last few days, Caldera Action has joined two other environmental groups and issued a Notice of Intent to Sue the…

Valles Caldera Management Losing Money on Illegal Grazing in the Preserve
Managers at the Valles Caldera National Preserve established a legal grazing program for cattle in a fenced area away from streams in the Valles de los Posos. They charge about…

A Vision for the Valles Caldera National Preserve
Sometimes we may lose sight of what we are attempting to do collectively on our public lands. Why did hundreds of people work so hard to establish the Valles Caldera…

Winter at Caldera Action
We are spending the winter preparing for next summer at the Caldera. We have potential new education programs that may happen. More on this soon. While everyone is tired of…

News Update, Caldera Action
It’s been a wet monsoon season at the Valles Caldera. One day in middle July, the Valle Grande got 1.6 inches of rain in one afternoon (much to the dismay…

April News from Caldera Action
Zone Planning Meetings for the Valles Caldera Announced The managers at the Valles Caldera National Preserve announce two virtual hearings for the “Zone” planning process at the Preserve. They have…

News from All Over the Jemez
Cochiti Pueblo Closes Jemez Roads Cochiti Pueblo has closed three roads leading into the Jemez Mountains near Cochiti Pueblo. Forest Road 289, the Dome Road, which passes through Bandelier National…

Trespass Cattle Mar the Valles Caldera
People ask us about cattle they see grazing in the Valles Caldera National Preserve. Are they allowed there? Yes and mostly No. When Congress transferred the Valles Caldera…