The Valles Caldera is experiencing exceptional drought this winter. According to NOAA, most of northern New Mexico is “abnormally dry”. We have about a third of our normal moisture for…

Park Funding in Question, Department of Wildlife?
Caldera Action has been focused on-the-ground management of the Valles Caldera for years and we continue to monitor local actions that could threaten the quality of the environment at the…

Valles Caldera to Have Entrance Fees
The National Park Service at Valles Caldera announced that they will start charging entrance fees beginning New Year’s Day. The fees are like those charged at Bandelier National Monument for…

We’re Making Progress on the Trespass Cattle Front
Good Progress Removing Trespass Cattle from Preserve this Summer Snow in the Valle San Antonio indicates the end of the subsidized cattle grazing program on nearby national forest lands for…

Election a Potential Disaster for the National Parks
The November 5 election was a disaster for public lands and conservation. Clearly the American voters were focused on widespread economic insecurity and voted their pocketbooks. Other issues like climate…

Jemez Pueblo Lawsuit Settled
You may recall that Jemez Pueblo sued the US Government to gain ownership of the Valles Caldera in 2012. The Pueblo claimed that they had been the exclusive users of…

Flash Flood Pounds Bandelier
Bandelier National Monument experienced another significant flash flood in Frijoles Canyon on September 5th. An intense rainstorm dumped substantial rain on the park and the Los Alamos area that afternoon…

Valles Caldera Proposes Entrance Fees for January 2025
The National Park Service at the Valles Caldera proposes charging entrance fees to the Caldera starting in January 2025. You can comment on their proposed fees by clicking here. The…

Caldera Action Joins Cattle Trespass Lawsuit
Santa Fe National Forest faces lawsuit for allowing trespass livestock into Valles Caldera National Preserve Lawsuit follows years of inaction by the Forest Service to prevent livestock from illegally entering…

Park Service Faces New Budget Cuts
Once again, Congress is going after trivial parts of the federal budget as part of the process of averting a government shutdown. Sometimes Congress targets the National Park Service budget,…