Every national park or preserve must have a management blueprint for its staff to follow. Managers at the Valles Caldera National Preserve are at last creating the “General Management Plan”…

Important NPS Public Meetings Coming Up
NPS Announces General Management Plan Public Meetings The National Park Service at the Valles Caldera rolls out their all-important General Management Plan this spring. The document will lay the…

Beautiful Written Orders Require Park Service Communications with Us!
Many New Mexicans made a big political push to have the Valles Caldera National Preserve placed under the National Park Service. We did that because the NPS has a…

New Fishing Fees and Possible Wild and Scenic Designations at Caldera
New Fishing Fees Raise Costs at Caldera The Valles Caldera managers plans to start charging for fishing permits at the Valles Caldera. The fee would be ($10 for youth 12-17)…

Caldera Action Concerned about new permit system at Valles Caldera
Caldera Action’s Board of Directors sent the following message to the Valles Caldera Management on February 3, 2023. Please send your own comments to David_Krueger@nps.gov NPS Managers: We received the…

Public Access to Valles Caldera: From Bad to Much Worse
Today we are offering a guest perspective on management issues at the Valles Caldera National Preserve. The author’s views are not unique to her as many people share her concerns.…

NPS Proposes Improvements to Valle Grande Area Facilities
Valles Caldera Proposes Infrastructure Improvements to Valle Grande District Jemez Springs, NM – Valles Caldera National Preserve is developing an Environmental Assessment for the construction and implementation of infrastructure improvements…

Is the Valles Caldera Contributing to the Local Economy?
Our 423 national parks are a vital part of our nations economy especially for gateway communities where millions of visitors each year find a place to sleep and eat, hire…

A Vision for the Valles Caldera National Preserve
Sometimes we may lose sight of what we are attempting to do collectively on our public lands. Why did hundreds of people work so hard to establish the Valles Caldera…

Why the Slow Motion Management at the Valles Caldera?
Why Does So Little Management Get Done at the Valles Caldera? Caldera Action has long been frustrated by the lack of action by the National Park Service on many fronts…