According to Dr. Bob Parmenter at the Valles Caldera National Preserve, the VCNP is now open to vehicles. He says: “The VCNP backcountry opened up today (7/27/20), so we’re back…

Trump administration Mandates Electric Bikes in the Valles Caldera and Elsewhere
The Trump administration has pressured local national park managers to open trails on NPS lands to electric bicycles. The Valles Caldera staff has joined other parks in submitting to…
63 Cars
On Saturday, May 2, there were 63 cars parked at the East Fork Jemez River parking area in the early afternoon. People are very eager to get outdoors given the…

Buying Headquarters, Bypassing Jemez Pueblo
National Park Service Wants to Buy Jemez Springs Headquarters – Appeals to Trump Administration for Funds Since 2000, the Valles Caldera National Preserve has been managed from rented buildings…
More Opposition to Bandelier National Park Bill
Cochiti Pueblo has expressed their opposition to Senator Martin Heinrich’s Bandelier National Park bill. The Pueblo’s attorney told Caldera Action that they are opposed to all aspects of the bill.…
Senator Udall Secures New Funding for Valles Caldera
2/28/20 Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) recently was able to obtain $1.3 million dollars in additional annual appropriations for the Valles Caldera National Preserve. This is permanent funding. Senator Udall sits…
Caldera Action Announces Opposition to Bandelier National Park Bill
2/20/20 The Board of Directors of Caldera Action voted unanimously to oppose a bill introduced into the US Senate to change the designation of Bandelier National Monument to Bandelier National…
NPS Moving Forward with Research Learning Center
The NPS staff at the Valles Caldera and at Bandelier along with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) are signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to create a “Research…
Progress at Valles Caldera
1/20 Least visitors to the Valles Caldera think the park is in a static state, Superintendent Jorge Silva Banuelos assured Caldera Action’s board of directors at a Santa Fe…
Jemez Pueblo Lawsuit Denied
The US District Court for the District of New Mexico has denied Jemez Pueblo’s claim to the Valles Caldera National Preserve in a final judgment. This is either the end…