The National Park Service at the Valles Caldera proposes charging entrance fees to the Caldera starting in January 2025. You can comment on their proposed fees by clicking here. The…

Valles Caldera Needs Your Comments by June 9
Every national park or preserve must have a management blueprint for its staff to follow. Managers at the Valles Caldera National Preserve are at last creating the “General Management Plan”…

Important NPS Public Meetings Coming Up
NPS Announces General Management Plan Public Meetings The National Park Service at the Valles Caldera rolls out their all-important General Management Plan this spring. The document will lay the…

Beautiful Written Orders Require Park Service Communications with Us!
Many New Mexicans made a big political push to have the Valles Caldera National Preserve placed under the National Park Service. We did that because the NPS has a…